تقارب » google adsense » Tips How to profit in Google AdSense
- Place the AdSense ads on pages Qoukl rich texts to make sure that Adsense Qoukl got a set of keywords for use in generating advertising, as well as the use of words tagged with the most momentum increases the number of clicks.
2 - Get rid of public service announcements that do not charge by the Xia.
3 - Do not place the title of "declarations" over the ads because Qoukl Qoukl Adsense places them "ads Google", why do you want to tell the visitors as ads if they know that before.
4 - by targeting your ads, to suit the content of a page published by the declaration or the block.
5 - Place Qoukl Adsense ads so that visitors can see, the more the ads more visible access to the more clicks.
6 - then leave a few blanks about the ads so that the declaration would be clear and visitors will know where to look and do not blending with the contents chaotic way.
7 - Try your ads in different regions, and Btaatbahm through custom channels in your account, to know what are the appropriate places to put ads.
8 - a lot of professionals in the Qoukl Adsense won more ads that vertical position in the mind.
9 - Place ads on the left side of your site, when visitors want to move the page and they take down the scroll bar Veselahzawn ads.
10 - Some sites place small ads in the top right page because they say it is where the first consideration of the visitor.
11 - I understand the way in which perceived by the visitor to your site and this sequence will help you to put ads in an appropriate manner.
12 - Place the ads match the background of the background of your site so visitors feel they are in your site as you can use the same line of ads, such as your site.
13 - Delete the border of their advertisements and Odmjhm with the content in an orderly manner so that they are like part of your site.
14 - then a lot of experiments on color and shape of the ads until you find what fits your site, because each site is designed and its contents do seek what is best for you and not what suits others.
15 - Advertising petition comes with good results, try to use them as much as possible.
16 - Make it possible to place ads that are more pronounced in your Vmalk pressure doubles the chances of the visitor to the Declaration.
17 - It might be better to put ads in the bottom of the page when visiting finish reading matter, he wondered what he would do then it may press on advertising.
18 - placing ads properly depends entirely on the content of your page, for example, requires the development of long threads ads in the middle.
19 - If your site is not informative and the texts he put ads in the beginning will be helpful.
20 - If your site is not rich with useful information you will get cheap ads payment, make sure that your site is rich with useful information.
21 - Make sure your site to provide information and subjects not offered by others, to ensure the return of visitors to your site and thus raises the percentage of clicks for the ads.
22 - the obvious places in the net and your site is the appropriate places to place ads, make sure you do so.
23 - from time to time, change the places advertisements to observe how it affects the number of clicks upward or downward.
24 - Try to use keywords pay more That will increase the number of clicks they receive.
25 - Qoukl Adsense depends primarily on visitors, make sure you have a lot of visitors.
26 - from time to time Vajye visitors a unique and important themes and put the ads thus ensure a lot of visitors and increase the number of staunch Dguetatk.
27 - Make sure that the visitors to add your favorite That will ensure their return to your site and thus increase the percentage of ad impressions.
28 - Put a counter to track your visitors and to closely examine the places where visitors come from and where they are frequently also helps to put ads in a way strategy.
29 - compare the visitors counter meter Qoukl Adsense this will help you in building a strategy to find out where to put those ads, which should not be placing ads.
30 - more than the channels in your account to track ads and to be able to see the most successful advertising and identifies pages that earn more than others.
31 - focused too much on the type of line ads and Make it like the line used by your site in order to ensure consistency of declarations with the site and subject.
32 - make your ads consistent with your site, such as background color, for example, if the background color of your site so make the white color of white Anorexia ads as well as within the Declaration.
33 - Remove the ads from the bottom of pages and their status at the top of pages so the visitor does not see them trying to hide them the more it is clearly visible are the chances of visiting the greatest pressure.
34 - In the weeks to learn patience or even the first few months do not earn a lot and may not earn anything, but with time you will notice a significant improvement in earn.
35 does not give the ads more important than the page content, priority to the page content when the content is useful and unique page ads are useful.
36 know that the method of placing ads and appropriate places to come from your experience for every site content and method of determination is not equal access to other sites in the way of placing ads.
37 Put yourself in the guest page and try to think like this will help you to identify what they want visiting your site and thus placing ads in the right place.
38 - Keep your site a vital and rich themes of the new information and thus increase the number of unique visitors and ensure the emergence of the ads.
39 - Try blending of ads and content, for example place the same background color in advertisements and on your site.
40 - Place the line a little rough line ads to show ads to stimulate the visitor to a good pressure.
41 - Place ads and links to blue, "Why the blue color if?" , Because the blue my love is the usual color of the links and people have been accustomed to seeing links in blue.
42 - Take a distance away from the fraud Qoukl Adsense, there are experts and advanced technologies are set pressure on the ads, you let things go back to normal. So will make sure that you will not be expelled from the Qoukl Adsense.
43 - Location, Location, Location is the key, says some professionals in Qoukl Adsense listen to the advice of experts and make sure you put ads in the right place.
44 - Some visitors like to see the links and a light over a dark background, if the background color of your ads position the dark-colored light Valzoar like that.
45 - Display more than one ad on a page because it increases the chances of pressure visitors on the ads, especially if your income only Qoukl Adsense on your site so do not forget one ad per page is not enough to ensure a good intake.
46 - A visitor did not come to your site in order to force him to click on the ads you have come by information for the benefit or service, and whenever your site is useful to stay longer and longer visiting the pressure on the ads more and more and will return to your site and other times he invited more visitors to you .
47 - You must know how to attract visitors to your site and this is something difficult, try to have your information so thickly leads the first rank in the search results and therefore attract the largest number of visitors to your site.
48 - tried to study words more impetus, and the search query, and the inclusion of topics talking about are the words that
$ 85 to ensure the balance of your income Imagine that some words pay about
49 - Look for the words and the most momentum ahead of the other sites some of them be a hoax, but yourself enlisted in the search and investigation in the order it to make sure you're dealing with the most momentum Asahiha words.
50 - Make sure that the contents of your site is always a unique "Oorregenal" and do not transfer your name else topics The more information your site's unique visitors have had more, and therefore the proportion of return visitors to the site and are larger than this can be deduced that the number of double clicks and thus earn money.
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